Constitution of the Applied Linguistics & Literature Association (ALLA)

This constitution has been approved by the Center for Students Involvement at the University of Houston on February 12, 2025.


For the purposes deemed wise and beneficial, this organization is hereby established to promote academic research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and professional development among students, alumni, and scholars in linguistics, literature, and language teaching. The Applied Linguistics & Literature Association (ALLA) is committed to fostering an inclusive academic environment that supports research dissemination, networking, and the advancement of innovative teaching methodologies.


Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Applied Linguistics & Literature Association (ALLA) at the University of Houston.


Section 1: The primary purposes of this organization are: A. To advance academic research in linguistics, literature, and language teaching. B. To create opportunities for students, alumni, and faculty to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration. C. To facilitate professional development through workshops, seminars, and training sessions. D. To promote research dissemination through the publication of ALLA Magazine, an academic and professional platform.

Section 2: Additional purposes include: A. Strengthening university-wide collaborations with departments that share similar academic interests. B. Hosting an annual research symposium to provide a platform for scholarly exchange. C. Expanding outreach and engagement to increase membership participation and diversity.


Section 1: ALLA adheres to the University of Houston’s Non-Discrimination Policy. Membership is open to all graduate students, alumni, and scholars, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or any legally protected status.

Section 2: Regular membership shall consist of University of Houston students who agree to uphold this Constitution and actively participate in the organization’s activities.

Section 3: Special membership shall be available to alumni, faculty, and external scholars. Special members may participate in activities but do not have voting rights.


Section 1: The officers of ALLA shall constitute the Executive Board, which includes: A. President B. Vice President C. Secretary D. Treasurer E. Committee Chairs (as needed)

Section 2: Officer Responsibilities:

  • President: Presides over meetings, represents ALLA to university administration, and oversees organizational activities.

  • Vice President: Assists the President, presides in their absence, and manages interdisciplinary collaborations.

  • Secretary: Maintains records, handles correspondence, and documents meeting minutes.

  • Treasurer: Manages the financial affairs of ALLA, including grant applications and budget planning.

  • Committee Chairs: Oversee specific projects such as workshop coordination, publication of ALLA Magazine, and event planning.


Section 1: Candidates for office must be regular members enrolled at the University of Houston.

Section 2: Elections shall take place during the last thirty days of the Spring semester. Officers serve a one-year term and may be re-elected.

Section 3: Officers shall be elected by a majority vote. In case of a tie, the current President shall cast the deciding vote.

Section 4: If only one candidate applies for an office, they shall take office by default.


Section 1: Officers may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the membership in the case of failure to perform duties or misconduct.

Section 2: In the case of a vacancy, the President shall appoint a replacement, subject to approval by the membership.


Section 1: Regular meetings shall be held at least once a month during the Fall and Spring semesters.

Section 2: Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President or upon the request of five voting members.


Section 1: ALLA shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition, for parliamentary procedures.

Section 2: A quorum shall consist of one more than half of the voting membership.

Section 3: Business decisions shall be made by a majority vote of present voting members.


Section 1: Amendments may be proposed by any voting member and must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board.

Section 2: Proposed amendments shall be reviewed and presented to the membership for discussion and voting.

Section 3: Amendments shall be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership.


ALLA strictly prohibits any form of hazing, as defined by the University of Houston. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including removal from the organization.


ALLA adheres to the University of Houston’s policy on equal opportunity and prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any legally protected status.

To view original signed constitution click here.